Cosmetic Dentistry

Looking for a Brighter Smile?

Beautifying your smile can enhance your overall look. From veneers to professional strength whitening, we guarantee we have the perfect cosmetic dentistry solution to make your teeth look their best.

Cosmetic & General Dentistry

The practice of dentistry encompasses an amazing array of services and procedures, all with a common goal: to help you to preserve your natural teeth as long as possible, ensure your oral health, and keep you looking and feeling great throughout life.

Teeth Whitening

It's hard to imagine anything more appealing than a sparkling, white smile. Yet our teeth rarely stay as white as we'd like them to without a little help. Fortunately, that help is available at the dental office.

Teeth whitening done in a professional dental setting is a safe, effective way to brighten your smile. It's also perhaps the most economical cosmetic dental procedure. Depending on the whitening method you choose, results can be dramatic: in-office whitening, for example, can lighten teeth three to eight shades in a single hour.

Porcelain Veneers

What makes a smile beautiful? That's a complex question, but some qualities of a lovely smile are immediately identifiable: good tooth color, shape and alignment are a few of the most important ones. If your teeth could use improvement in any of these categories, porcelain veneers could be just what you're looking for.

Do you need Cosmetic Dentistry to perfect your smile? Call Anchorage Dental Center at (907) 278-2521 for more information!

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